
Category Archives for "Food"

A Quick Guide on Looking After Your Health As You Age

vegetable salad for a balanced diet

The older we get, the more critical it becomes to take care of our health. Unfortunately, many people don’t start making healthy choices until they start experiencing health problems. By then, it’s often too late. In this article, we will discuss tips on staying healthy as you age. These tips include eating a balanced diet, […]

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Is Alcohol Vegan?

vegan salad with and alcohol on the side

Alcohol is made from fermenting the sugars in plants, so most people eating a plant-based diet assume that it’s vegan. Unfortunately, that’s not always true. While alcohol certainly can be vegan, that doesn’t mean that it always is.  Why Are Some Alcoholic Beverages Not Vegan? Leaving beer or wine to ferment in a keg is […]

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Vegan Detox: How To Nail Your Next Cleanse

assorted fruits and veggies

Going vegan is one of the best ways to detox your body. And while mainstream scientists don’t like that use of the term, that’s precisely what happens when you switch over to plant-based foods. Why Vegan Diets Are Detoxifying Medical detox is when a person abstains from all pharmaceutical substances, both legal and illegal. During […]

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Boost Your Energy In 8 Easy Ways

bowls of energizing foods

If you’re ever feeling run down or exhausted, there are plenty of things you can do to give yourself a natural energy boost. These solutions don’t involve any type of stimulant like caffeine – instead, they focus on giving your body the nutrients it needs to function at its best. 1. Eat energizing foods Certain […]

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Thinking About Going Vegan? Here Are Some Benefits

vegan dish served

Have you heard your family members and friends talking about the vegan diet? You may be in two minds about trying this as you are unsure as to the health benefits if there are any. There are, of course, pros and cons to this diet like with any diet. It is all about finding the […]

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4 Essential Fruits to Include in Your Diet

essential fruits to include in your diet

When you think of fruits, your first instinct might be to associate them with sweet treats. After all, most desserts are sweet, and candies are fruits too! But that is not the only type of fruit out there. The world has a lot more than just sweets.  From exotic and exotic-tasting fruits to everyday and […]

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Foods That Will Improve Your Smile

guy wearing a good smile and a green shirt

When we think about oral health, we tend to think about the foods that we should avoid if we want to keep our teeth and gums healthy, such as sugary snacks and syrupy sodas, but there are lots of foods that we should be adding to our diets if we want to improve our oral […]

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Natural Remedies To Keep You Super Healthy

healthy body exercise

Maintaining a healthy body is essential for everyone. Not only does it make you feel better, but it can also help prevent serious health problems in the future. There are many ways to stay healthy, and one of the best is using natural remedies.  These are remedies from plants or other natural sources that have […]

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Indica Gummies: When Are They Right for You?

indica gummies

Just like culinary arts, there is a cannabis product for everyone. The cannabis profile of Indica to Sativa creates an incredible range of effects. Some enjoy the uplifting energy of a pure Sativa. Some want the deep body high off the pure Indica, and some like to blend the two based on their daily needs.  […]

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