6 Habits That Can Worsen Your Depression

bad sleep practicesDepression is a widespread and increasing problem in today’s society. According to the World Health Organization, depression affects 350 million people across the globe. It is a debilitating condition that can, unfortunately, worsen over time. In this article, we will be discussing six habits that can worsen your depression. 

These habits include: being too hard on yourself, using alcohol and drugs, not doing enough exercise, not getting enough sleep, not utilizing your social support system, and not getting enough sunlight. You can click here to know more about habits that can worsen your depression. 

How To Avoid The 6 Habits That Can Worsen Your Depression

Depression can make you feel like you have no hope or that you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. There are many things that can worsen your depression. Here are some of the habits that can worsen your depression. 


A significant depressive episode must last at least two weeks and must include either a gloomy mood or a lack of enjoyment in almost all activities. Finding the energy to do much of anything can be challenging because of this. Employment, education, interpersonal relationships, and other crucial spheres of functioning can all suffer from depression. 

Having depression might make it challenging to wake up in the morning. Dopamine and serotonin, which are “feel good” neuro chemicals, are increased by moderate exercise. To combat inactivity, look to your support system to find a walking partner with whom you may arrange a few walks each week.

Bad Sleep Practices

In fact, sleep disturbance is one of the signs of depression, and it can start a bad cycle of sleep. Insomnia and excessive sleep are both examples of sleep disturbance. Chronic sleep deprivation is also a catalyst for depression, which further complicates issues. 

Yes, sleep disruption is a sign of depression as well as a trigger of depression. This concept might be difficult for you to comprehend.

Unhealthy Eating

Whether you like it or not, what you eat can make you feel bad. When facing challenging emotions, many people turn to “comfort” foods, and changes in eating patterns that result in considerable weight loss or gain are one of the symptoms of depression. Your mental health can be impacted by food.


Rumination, or focusing on unfavorable thoughts, is common in depressed individuals. Negative thoughts about being rejected, losing a job, failing, and other stressors can exacerbate negative emotions and over time produce a misleading and harmful narrative. Depression symptoms are made worse by excessively dwelling on challenging issues. 

The greatest option for putting an end to ruminating is to get expert assistance.

Community Isolation

Turning inward when life becomes too much is common. When getting out of bed in the morning feels like an impossible task, don’t let embarrassment or a lack of social support stop you. You urgently require supportive social relationships. 

Research demonstrates that social support, through offering coping mechanisms and enhancing stress resistance, moderates hereditary and environmental vulnerabilities for mental illness.

Avoiding the Sun

Exposure to the sun is a natural mood enhancer. It causes the brain to produce serotonin, which reduces anxiety and promotes a feeling of well-being. Additionally, sunlight aids in daily body clock resets that maintain sleep and other biological cycles in harmony.


Final thoughts

You are depressed. You know it. Your doctor knows it. Your family knows it. You may not be able to pinpoint the exact cause of your depression, but you know it has something to do with your life. What you may not know is that depression can be worsened by a few bad habits.

These habits can cause you to become more depressed, and you might not even be aware of how much they are contributing to your depression. Here are the 6 habits that can worsen your depression. Depression is a common mental illness that affects about 15 million adults in the United States. It is characterized by a persistent low mood, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, and a loss of energy. 

Depression is often accompanied by physical health problems such as headaches, digestive problems, and sleep disturbances. This is why it is important to seek help as soon as possible, whether at in an in-person facility or online mental health treatment options.

Last Updated on September 27, 2022

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