Can Protein Powders Help You Hit Your Macros?
Whether you’re looking to lose body fat, build lean muscle, or perhaps even maintain the current physique you’ve got, hitting your macros is essential.
But then…
Especially hitting your protein macros is crucial. Which always seems to be more challenging for people to reach than fats or carbohydrates.
You’ll find protein in food sources such as eggs, chicken, quark, and red meats. But, a serious athlete quickly needs a minimum of 150 grams of protein per day.
We’ve got just the thing for those of you that are struggling to reach those protein macros. I’m talking about adding protein powders, preferably whey or casein protein, to your diet.
Allow me to tell you some more about these products and why they’re interesting for athletes.
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Why Should You Consider Using Protein Powder?
This is where things get exciting. Since you need enough protein for muscle growth to occur, that’s exactly what these products are going to help with.
You see, a good whey protein generally contains about 20 to 25 grams of protein. To give you an idea, one egg contains about 6 to 7 grams. That means one scoop of whey equals about four eggs. This makes it a great product to use if you’re in a hurry, on the road, or simply looking for a quick fix.
Giving your body enough protein is a game-changer when it comes to improving your physique. Many people think they can work out and gain muscle, but that’s not how it works. Your body needs fuel to grow, and one of the critical fuel sources is protein.
So making sure your body gets enough of it will help you grow and recover faster. That’s why I recommend all of you that are into sports, whether it be bodybuilding or playing rugby, to start calculating your macros.
You’ll be surprised at how much of an impact it can have on your performance and progress. You can find it on bodybuilding supplements websites.
Protein doesn’t just help with muscle growth; it also plays a crucial factor in processes such as energy, nutrient transportation, fluid balance, and biochemical reactions.
Are There Negatives To Taking Protein Powders?
No, but it’s essential to get yourself a product that you can easily digest. You don’t want to get yourself something that causes stomach issues or anything like that, so it’s important to research.
The only real negative I can think of when it comes to these supplements is the price. Generally speaking, you are looking at about 40 bucks for a 30-serving tub of whey protein. Not too pricey, but not cheap either. If you search a few sites, you’re probably able to get yourself a sweet deal.
On the other hand, chicken and all that cost, though. I think if you’re serious about hitting your macros, it’s a product worth investing in. At the end of the day, it’s about hitting your nutrient intake, and that is what counts.
Do You Really Need To Use Protein Powders?
Of course not, and neither should you rely on them entirely. They’re considered a supplement for a reason. But, for example, if you’re on the road and not getting in any protein at all, then they’re excellent and convenient.
Remember guys and girls; real food is always better than taking a supplement. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use one to hit your macros.
Personally, I enjoy taking one or two scoops of Whey protein powder in the morning. But for the rest of my protein macros, I get it from real food sources.
What I’m trying to say is, use them in moderation and for the times you need them. That way, you’ll be able to benefit from these products greatly.
The Bottom Line
Protein is essential, and as an athlete, it’s even more important that you get in the right amounts. It can get challenging to hit your macros for this nutrient, so there are other ways of reaching those macros.
With the help of a quality protein powder, you can easily add 40 to 50 grams of protein to your diet with one or two scoops. That is a massive amount that would typically require you to eat a lot of meat, chicken, or eggs.
But, everything in moderation. Don’t rely on protein powder to hit your nutrients, and make sure to consume plenty of real food. And don’t overlook the importance of carbohydrates and fats. Just because we haven’t discussed them in this article doesn’t mean they aren’t equally important.
Last Updated on November 24, 2020